BC Shipping News – September 2019

BC Shipping News announces September 2019 issue to be the last

In 2011, BC Shipping News set out with a mandate to give a voice to the commercial marine industry on Canada’s West Coast. It’s been an amazing journey and we hope you’ll agree that we’ve met that mandate and exceeded expectations in creating awareness about the truly impressive industry we have here in British Columbia. It has been such a privilege to work with so many talented people who call this industry their own.

While we’ve cherished every moment, the time has come for McIvor Communications Inc. to embark on a new adventure — to that end, the September issue of BCSN will be our last.

All back issues will continue to be available at https://issuu.com/janemci.

With sincere thanks and gratitude for your support over these many years!

Jane McIvor
Publisher and Editor

Industry feedback:

“Truly an outstanding publication that kept us all informed on all the players/companies of our industry, coast to coast.  Congratulations Jane on delivering over 10 years of exceptional magazines including a digital presence!” Kaity Arsoniadis-Stein, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director, Vancouver International Maritime Centre.

“Thank you Jane for a fantastic publication representing the B.C. waterfront, its industry and its people. There will be a large hole when BCSN is gone as it really filled a need to inform, advocate and provide a forum to represent initiatives and developments that are going on BC’s vibrant marine community. Congratulations on all you have accomplished with BCSN over the past years!” Alex Rueben, Executive Director, Association of BC Marine Industries.

“The research and journalism in the BC Shipping News has been first rate Jane!  It will be missed because there needs to be an independent forum for assessing policy options and competing industry views within Canada’s critical trade distribution supply chains.” Alex Phillips, CEO and General Counsel, Van Horne Institute.

“After nine impactful years, Jane McIvor has announced that the September edition of the BC Shipping News will be its last. Jane, President and Editor of the magazine together with her team of writers and assistants, have been instrumental in elevating the profile of the commercial marine industry in Canada. While losing this publication will certainly create a void in the industry, we are grateful for the years of knowledge and insights that they have shared…” Chamber of Shipping Advisory.

“Thank you for your coverage of our industry and our organization – it was very much appreciated.  You are a true professional…” Michael H. Broad, President, Shipping Federation of Canada.